Ensuring Safety and Compliance For HOA's and APARTMENTS in Imperial County

Imperial County SB 326 & SB 721 Inspections

Stay compliant with state regulations and ensure the safety of your building with our comprehensive inspection services.

Imperial County SB 326 & SB 721 Inspections are critical regulations designed to enhance the safety and
integrity of multifamily residential buildings in California. These laws mandate
regular inspections of wooden load bearing exterior elevated elements, such as
balconies, decks, and walkways, to prevent structural failures and ensure the
safety of residents.

For building owners in Imperial County, compliance with these regulations is not
only a legal requirement but also a crucial step in maintaining property value and
protecting the well-being of occupants. Regular inspections help identify potential issues early, allowing for timely repairs and maintenance.

Failure to comply with SB 326 and SB 721 can result in significant penalties and
increased liability. By staying proactive and scheduling regular inspections, building owners can avoid costly repairs and ensure their properties meet all safety standards.

Our Inspection Process

Follow these steps to schedule and complete your SB 326 & SB 721 inspections with ease.

1. Call for free proposal
2. Execute proposal and return. Once returned, we will contact yoyr inspection

Schedule Your Inspection

Contact our team to book an inspection at a time that suits your schedule. We’ll
provide you with all the necessary information and documentation required for the process.

Prepare for the Inspection

Ensure that all areas to be inspected are accessible and free from obstructions.
Gather any relevant building plans or previous inspection reports to assist our

Conduct the Inspection

Our certified inspectors will conduct a thorough examination of all exterior elevated elements, documenting any findings and providing a detailed report of the condition of your building.


Within five business days after completing inspection process, report will be ready for review.

Our Inspection Process

Follow these steps to schedule and complete your SB 326 & SB 721 inspections with ease.


Schedule Your Inspection

Contact our team to book an inspection at a time that suits your schedule. We’ll provide you with all the necessary information and documentation required for the process.


Prepare for the Inspection

Ensure that all areas to be inspected are accessible and free from obstructions. Gather any relevant building plans or previous inspection reports to assist our inspectors.


Conduct the Inspection

Our certified inspectors will conduct a thorough examination of all exterior elevated elements, documenting any findings and providing a detailed report of the condition of your building.